Updated 2023
“It’s not about getting it right; it’s about getting it started.”
Being here in the Maine sunshine working with coaching clients has us thinking big. Combine that with bold leaders who are ready to change their priorities so renewable energy & regeneration are in the top 5.
The way to get there is through what I learned from Rick Tamlyn and Bigger Game.
Start with these questions to get your team going.
Bigger Game
– What comfort zones serve me or not?
– What is that deep “fire in my belly” impact that must be satiated?
– What am I all about?
– How is my game going? How am I doing?
– What bold action must I take to move forward?
– What is my level of excitement and fear (now)?
– How can my game go on without me? What do I need personally?
– What allies do I need?
– What do I need to invest in to go to the next level?