How Smart People Prepare for a Presentation

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Colman Coaching LOGO and meaning behind it: 3 Interconnected Circles brings together the Mind, Body and Heart

Engaging the Mind and the Heart will support the Body’s efforts to do this task for us.


  • Public speaking medium = public audience + a speaker. ALL ABOUT AUDIENCE.

  • Put content in their world. Already know, need to know, feel and do about it.

  • Prepare your content to be HEARD, not READ. Use active language. PAGE 4.

  • Take your audience on a journey. Orient them WHY you’re speaking. Use clear structure denoting the 5 W’s.

  • Keep it simple. Less is more. Less words.


  • Suddenly asking the body to do something it almost never does. No wonder it reacts!

  • Rehearsal prep builds the neural pathways in our mind that instruct body. Brain Chemistry decreases nerves.

  • Try to engage your body BEFORE you present. Get your heart rate up. Stand up. Out loud.

  • Get into the space.

  • Condition like an athlete would. HYDRATE. REST. EAT WELL.


  • This is where the heart part comes in. The sprit. FELT among audience.

  • Natural magnetism, dynamism.

  • Important to cultivate because an audience will associate that good feeling with YOU.

  • We have to balance intellect with affability. Part informer, part entertainer.

  • Give them something to look at, something to listen to and something to remember.


  • In order for them to learn or be inspired by you, they must understand you.

  • Use punctuation as a guide.

  • Emphasize, key terms. Define acronyms.

  • Period.. end on a down note. NO UP-SPEAK. Comma- breath, Ellipses… lilt. Question? Ask it.


  • Are slides clear, concise, necessary?

  • Do you have audio visual elements worked out.

  • What is your space like?

  • Podium?

  • Can you use an unconventional prop to illustrate your ideas? MEMORABLE


  • They can’t learn from you, feel you and be inspired by you if they can’t HEAR you.

  • Breath support

  • Low talker? Fast talker? High pitched talker?



  • You are the medium for your message and it’s a visual medium.

  • Wear something that AIDS your speech.

  • Dress to impress. Too inform says something before you’ve opened your mouth.

  • Claim our space. Feet firmly on the floor. Shoulders back.

  • You’ve earned this time. Take it.

  • Pin hair back.

    Also where the HEART comes in.

  • Established through eye contact. Friendly eyes and allies out in audience whom you’ve established prior.

  • FELT by audience.

  • Puts you in church and in control. Nerves melt away.

Kendall E. Colman, Founder & CEO
Colman Coaching | o. +1.844.394.1115 | c. 303.589.5749
The Corporate Coaching Company |
Corporate Performance and Strategy – Executive Development – High Trust Teams – High Stakes Speech and Media Training